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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

sobota 25. mája 2019


An Anthology of Expository Prose

W. W. Norton, New York, 1984

beletria, antológia
1230 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 1002 g

mäkká väzba
stav: dobrý, knižničné pečiatky


*bib14* in *H-kris*

The Sixth Edition of The Norton Reader provides once again, for teachers and students alike, the most generous sampling available of essays and prose readings. Its range of selections—together with its organization by major fields of human concern, its rhetorical index, and its notes and questions—have placed the Reader in the forefront of liberal education for more than a million college students over the past twenty years.

Since a vital culture is always on the move and the interests of readers constantly change, every selection in the Sixth Edition has been reevaluated. Of its 218 selections, 65 are new. The new essays figure prominently in “Signs of the Times”; in “Science” to display the remarkable flowering of science writing; in “Human Nature,” reconstituted by half, including an extraordinary piece by Paul West, “A Passion to Learn”; and, finally, in “Education,” where an old favorite makes its first appearance, James Thurber’s “University Days.” The title of the section on government has been expanded to “Politics, Economy, and Government,” the change drawing attention to such essays as Kirkpatrick Sale’s “The Myths of Bigness” and Robert Heilbroner’s “Does Capitalism Have a Future?”

Other new selections have great range, including Margaret Mead on home and travel, Jonathan Schell on the bomb, Frances Fitzgerald on American history texts, John McPhee on grizzly bears, Michael Arlen on television, and Adrienne Rich on women students.

Notes on composition and the rhetorical index have been freshly revised. Questions are provided for 84 essays, including many of the new selections.