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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

štvrtok 4. novembra 2021




Harper Collins Publishers, Los Angeles, 2004
1. vydanie
ISBN 0-06-059425-X

beletria, román, literatúra americká
278 s., angličtina

mäkká väzba
stav: dobrý

0,90 €


Hollywood publicity pro extraordinaire Emily Sanders is hitting thirty -- hard -- and she wants the life her best friends seem to have: house, kids, perfect man. But finding true love isn't easy in L.A., where image is everything, and where every beauty pageant winner is an eight in a sea of nines, who all wish they were Julia Roberts.

For Emily, boyfriend material has always come in many strange shapes and incarnations -- beautiful young surfer god, aging music executive, boss's boss's boss, and a baseball player with two cell phones (one of which she does not have the number to).

With her confidence rapidly heading due south (like everything else on her body), it's time to find a smart, sharp-eyed psychotherapist to help her get past her surefire method for choosing the absolute worst man. With a little help, maybe Emily can learn to narrow her focus from looking for Mister Right to looking out for Mister Wrong. Because she knows that, eventually, "the one" comes for every woman ... even for a disarming, unflappable player in the mad, mad world of entertainment, with the edge of an insider and the heart of a dreamer.