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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

nedeľa 24. februára 2013



Pulitzer Prize Winning Author of  "The Denial of Death"

Free Press, New York, 1975
Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, 1975
ISBN 0-02-902450-1

smrť, filozofia, psychológia
188 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 239 g

mäkká väzba
stav: veľmi dobrý

3,00 €

*R05*  in **O1** alebo  in **O2**?


"A profound, nourishing book ... absolutely essential to the understanding of our troubled times."

—Anais Nin

“An urgent essay that bears all the marks of a final philosophical raging against the dying of the light.”


“Brilliant and challenging ... adds another bit of reason to balance destruction. ... It is, in the best sense of the words, both scientific and philosophical. ... of the highest importance."

—Robert Kirsch, The Los Angeles Times

“The author's presence—high on ideas, bold and disorderly, outrageous and appreciative, always in search—has an exhilarating effect. . . . Again he displays his extraordinary synthetic gift as he moves freely, even dazzlingly, not only from Freud to Marx and from Rank to Brown, but from Rousseau to Hobbes, Huizinga, Mumford, Hugh Duncan and Kenneth Burke.... Becker’s work should give powerful impetus to the development of a depth psychology appropriate to our condition and our history, but with significance beyond the historical moment. ... Future social theory will owe much to

Becker, as does contemporary psychological thought----The power of the work prevails."

—Robert Jay Lifton, The New York Times Book Review

ERNEST BECKER (1924-1974) won the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction for The Denial of Death. A distinguished social theorist and a popular teacher of anthropology, sociology, and social psychology, he was also the author of The Birth and Death of Meaning, Revolution in Psychiatry, Angel in Armor, and The Structure of Evil.