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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

sobota 27. júla 2013




Raduga, Moskva, 1988
edícia Russian Classics
ISBN 5-05-001675-4
preklad Faina Solasko
2. vydanie

beletria, román
416 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 491 g

tvrdá väzba, papierový prebal
stav: veľmi dobrý



Which novels (nationality standpoint) were greatest or best of the 19th century? Probably Russian — I remember more Russian names than any others.  ...I think that a writer wants to make something that he knows that a Hundred or two hundred or five hundred, a thousand years later will make people feel what they feel when they read Homer, or read Dickens or Balzac, Tolstoy, that that's probably his goal.
William Faulkner

There is no one more worthy of being called a genius, more complex, more contradictory and in all ways magnificent, yes, yes, in all ways. Magnificent in a very special sense, one that is too broad to be captured by words; there is something about him that always compels me to shout to all to hear: look, see what a wonderful human being is here among us! For he is, so to speak, completely and primarily a human being, a man of humanity.
Maxim Gorky

Tolstoy intended the story of "Childhood" to be the first of a four-part autobiographical novel, entitled Four Periods of Development. The novel was never completed. However, the first three parts: "Childhood", "Adolescence" and "Youth" made up a famous trilogy. The character and spiritual development of Nikolenka Irteniev, the protagonist, are largely modelled on Tolstoy and the events of his life. The writer's family, friends, fellow-students and teachers served as prototypes for many of the other characters. "Happy, happy, irremeable days of chiIdhood! How can one fail to love and cherish its memories? These memories refresh and ennoble my soul and are a source of my greatest delight. "At that time it seemed quite feasible to reform all of mankind, to wipe out all the vices and miseries of humanity, and it seemed very simple and easy to improve oneself, to acquire every virtue and to be happy... "And yet, God alone knows whether these lofty aspirations of youth were indeed ridiculous and who was to blame if they were not realized..."
Lev Tolstoy