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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

utorok 2. júla 2013



A complete guide to achieving the full, abundant life

Whatever Publishing, San Rafael, 1982

motivácia, psychológia
224 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 275 g

mäkká väzba
stav: veľmi dobrý

0,80 € PREDANÉ


Ruth Ross, Ph.D., an ardent promoter of women's interests, draws upon ten years experience as a college counselor and instructor, and as a marriage and family therapist. She is the founder of "Prospering Naturally," a network of communication consultants that produce seminars for business and private groups.

In PROSPERING WOMAN, Dr. Ruth Ross presents an entirely new way for women to view themselves and effectively take charge of their own lives. Prosperity need not be at the expense of personal relationships, health, and peace of mind; rather, it is every woman's birthright to live a full and abundant life. Now, in this timely work. Dr. Ross shows you how to achieve the level of prosperity you want, and deserve, in your life.

PROSPERING WOMAN covers these important issues: knowing yourself and what you truly want • making room in your life for success • eliminating negative thoughts and emotional barriers • developing an assertive 'win-win' attitude • thinking 'big' enough • attitudes about money that promote your prosperity • and much, much more! This complete course will help you use your natural feminine strengths — intuition, patience, compassion, and imagination — to work for you in building financial success, high self-esteem, loving relationships, and total well-being.

"Fills a crucial need for the growing number of women who are developing their self-awareness and personal power."
—Shakti Gawain, Author of Creative Visualization

"A sensible, uninflated presentation of the dynamics of prosperity."
—Dr. Richard Vogel, Clinical Psychologist

"I'm going to paper my walls at eye level with pages from PROSPERING WOMAN."
— Helen Bonner, Ph.D., Hollywood Script Writer