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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

utorok 30. júla 2013



A Trilogy
Book Two - The Year 1918

Raduga, Moskva,
preklad Ivy Litvinov, Tatiana Litvinova
7. vydanie

beletria, román
352 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 455 g

tvrdá väzba, papierový prebal
stav: prebal v hornej časti pokrčený, kniha vo výbornom stave, nečítaná

0,70 €


Writers about Alexei Tolstoy

“I love your big, wise and jolly talent, and value it very highly. Yes, I do see it as a jolly talent, with a spark and a sharp little smile, but this quality comes third with me, as above all else your talent is simply a big, truly Russian talent, wise with Russian wisdom."
Maxim Gorky (From a letter to A, Tolstoy)

"I admire the might and the inexhaustible wealth of creativeness which with you seem to be mere components.... What impresses me particularly in your solid and truthful art is the way you mould your personages in the world about them. They form an inseparable part of the air, earth and light that surround and nurture them, and you know how to express the subtlest nuances of a milieu with a single brush stroke.”
Romain Rolland (From a letter to A. Tolstoy)

“Alexei Tolstoy bore the name of his great predecessor with honor.”
“Alexei Tolstoy had mastered his profession to perfection and possessed great talent. But the main thing was that he was a live person, a writer whose place was in the very thick of life. His heart always beat in unison with all the best that mankind has.”
Martin Andersen Nexo

“Among the most progressive Russian writers of the Soviet period Tolstoy stood out as a striking individuality and a dazzling talent. He did not repeat anyone in anything, and at the same time he made a subtly tangible link with our undying 19th-century literary tradition.”
Konstantin Fedin