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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

utorok 30. júla 2013



A Trilogy
Book One - The Sisters

Raduga, Moskva,
preklad Ivy Litvinov, Tatiana Litvinova
7. vydanie

beletria, román
328 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 430 g

tvrdá väzba, papierový prebal
stav: prebal v hornej časti pokrčený, kniha vo výbornom stave, nečítaná

0,70 €

From Alexei Tolstoy’s notes:

“...It is time to make a study of the Revolution, time for the artist to become a historian and a thinker. The task is enormous ... but we can have no other when we have before our eyes, when we are faced with the hugeness of the Revolution blotting out the sky.

“I do not only recognise the Revolution — with recognition alone one cannot write a novel — I love its sombre grandeur, its world-wide scope. And now, the purpose of my novel is to re-create this grandeur, this scope in all its complexity, in all its difficulty....

“The plan and main idea of my novel is to show the gradual development of the Revolution and its immeasurable difficulties, to show how a mere handful of St. Petersburg workers, guided by Lenin’s ‘explosion of ideas’, rushed into the bloody mess of Russia, won the day and organised the  country. For my characters I take living people with all their weaknesses and all their strength, and these living people carry on their living cause.”