Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo, Bratislava, 1985
2. vydanie, 2.350 výtlačkov
jazykoveda, jazyky, slovenčina, učebnice,
160 s., slovenčina, angličtina
hmotnosť: 254 g
tvrdá väzba, papierový prebal
stav: výborný, nepoužívaná, pečiatka majiteľa knihy
1,80 €
This textbook of Slovak is tor English-speaking students. It is a modern textbook and was elaborated on the basis of a statistical research of the word stock of the standard Slovak language. From texts containing 1 000 000 words its author chose only the 800 most frequent words, which represent about 80 per cent of any Slovak text (J. Mistrík, Frekvencia slov v slovenčine, Bratislava 1969). Besides, only those grammatical phenomena are employed which are the most important in communication and their methodical ordering follows their frequency (J. Mistrík, Frekvencia tvarov a konštrukcii v slovenčine, Bratislava 1985).
In 15 lessons the student can master the Slovak language to such an extent that he can quite easily make himself understood in common situations and fairly well communicate on various topics. The textbook contains study passages, a rich series of exercises and revisions, synoptic grammatical tables, and a list of the 800 most frequent words, which are employed in the book.
The author is a linguist and university professor. He spent several years working in the universities of Oxford, Sheffield, Cologne and Moscow. He also lectured in the universities or international congresses in the USSR, Poland, GDR, FRG, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Italy, and Egypt. He published hundreds of scientific papers in Czechoslovakia and abroad and more than 30 monographs out of which the most important are: Slovosled a vetosled v slovenčine (1965), Frekvencia slov v slovenčine (1969), Exakte Typologie von Texten (1973), Žánre vecnej literatúry (1975), Retrográdny slovník slovenčiny (1976), Štylistika slovenského jazyka (1977), Dramatický text (1979), Učebnik slovackogo jazyka (1981), A Grammar of Contemporary Slovak (1983), Jazyk a reč (1984), Moderná slovenčina (1984).