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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

utorok 25. júna 2013




Raduga, Moskva, 1990
edícia Russian Classics
obrázkoví príloha
5. vydanie
ISBN 5-05-000543-4

beletria, poézia
248 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 494 g

viazaná s prebalom
stav: výborný, nečítaná

2,70 € spolu za oba diely 1+2

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)

The present volume of the selected works of Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) contains the lyrical masterpieces written between 1818 and 1836; the verse dramas Mozart and Salieri (1830), The Stone Guest (1830), The Covetous Knight (1830); the folk drama The Water-Nymph (1830); the poems The Gypsies (1826) and The Bronze Horseman (1833); and the fairy-tales in verse based on themes from the legendary past of Russian folklore and magic. The illustrations include Pushkin's drawings, portraits of the poet, his relatives and his friends, and pictures of places associated with his name.

"True, with Pushkin, as with other poets, the finest gems come to light with the passage of time and stand out from the rest of his collected verse, but these gems are so many that it is no easy task to compile a satisfactory inventory: there is Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov, The Bronze Horseman; there are his masterpieces of lyrical and philosophical verse, the little tragedies, the fairytales, the short novel The Captain's Daughter and other prose works; and then again there are his articles, travel notes, historical essays and brilliant epistolary writing.

"...When speaking of Pushkin, the word 'magic' seems more apt than 'skill´, although we know very well by what dedicated toil the perfection of his writing was attained. Perfection, in his case, is an amazingly organic fusion of form and content..."
Alexander Tvardovsky

"Pushkin is an extraordinary phenomenon and, perhaps, a unique phenomenon of the Russian spirit: he is what a Russian might perhaps be after two hundred years of development.

In him, the Russian world of nature, the Russian soul, the Russian language and the Russian character were reflected with the purity, the purified beauty of a landscape reflected on the convex surface of an optic glass.”

Nikolai Gogol

"...Pushkin is one of those creative geniuses, those great historical forces who, while working for the present, are preparing the future."

Vissarion Belinsky

"...Pushkin ... is the great Russian poet of the people, the creator of fairy-tales enchanting in their beauty and wit, the author of the first realist novel, Eugene Onegin, the author of our best historical drama, Boris Godunov, a poet hitherto unsurpassed for the beauty of his verse and his power of giving expression to feeling and thought, a poet who was the progenitor of our great Russian literature."

Maxim Gorky