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ANTIKVÁRIUM (magyarul)

Ha Magyarországról van, és bármelyik könyv érdekelné, kérjük írjon a címre. A könyvek küldhetök postán. Ha átutazóban van Kassán, a megrendelt könyveket személyesen is átveheti.

utorok 25. júna 2013




Raduga, Moskva, 1990
edícia Russian Classics
obrázkoví príloha
5. vydanie
ISBN 5-05-000543-4

beletria, poézia
248 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 494 g

viazaná s prebalom
stav: výborný, nečítaná

2,70 € spolu za oba diely 1+2

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)

The present volume of the selected works of Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) contains the lyrical masterpieces written between 1818 and 1836; the verse dramas Mozart and Salieri (1830), The Stone Guest (1830), The Covetous Knight (1830); the folk drama The Water-Nymph (1830); the poems The Gypsies (1826) and The Bronze Horseman (1833); and the fairy-tales in verse based on themes from the legendary past of Russian folklore and magic. The illustrations include Pushkin's drawings, portraits of the poet, his relatives and his friends, and pictures of places associated with his name.

"True, with Pushkin, as with other poets, the finest gems come to light with the passage of time and stand out from the rest of his collected verse, but these gems are so many that it is no easy task to compile a satisfactory inventory: there is Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov, The Bronze Horseman; there are his masterpieces of lyrical and philosophical verse, the little tragedies, the fairytales, the short novel The Captain's Daughter and other prose works; and then again there are his articles, travel notes, historical essays and brilliant epistolary writing.

"...When speaking of Pushkin, the word 'magic' seems more apt than 'skill´, although we know very well by what dedicated toil the perfection of his writing was attained. Perfection, in his case, is an amazingly organic fusion of form and content..."
Alexander Tvardovsky

"Pushkin is an extraordinary phenomenon and, perhaps, a unique phenomenon of the Russian spirit: he is what a Russian might perhaps be after two hundred years of development.

In him, the Russian world of nature, the Russian soul, the Russian language and the Russian character were reflected with the purity, the purified beauty of a landscape reflected on the convex surface of an optic glass.”

Nikolai Gogol

"...Pushkin is one of those creative geniuses, those great historical forces who, while working for the present, are preparing the future."

Vissarion Belinsky

"...Pushkin ... is the great Russian poet of the people, the creator of fairy-tales enchanting in their beauty and wit, the author of the first realist novel, Eugene Onegin, the author of our best historical drama, Boris Godunov, a poet hitherto unsurpassed for the beauty of his verse and his power of giving expression to feeling and thought, a poet who was the progenitor of our great Russian literature."

Maxim Gorky




Medicina, Budapest, 1988
ISBN 963-241-534-5
preklad: Gyula Wojtilla
ilustrácie: Miklós Dolnik

sexualita, beletria
272 s., maďarčina
hmotnosť: 475 g

tvrdá väzba, papierový prebal
stav: výborný, nepoužívaná

1,20 € PREDANÉ!


A kerítőnő tanítása a kora középkori szanszkrit irodalom egyik gyöngyszeme. Nem más, mint érdekfeszítő történetek fűzése, amelyeket Vikarálá, a híres, öreg kerítőnő mesél el Málatí, azaz Jázminvirág, a fiatal, szépséges, de tapasztalatlan kurtizán okulására. Az elbeszélések hősei kurtizánok, „áldozataik” és a körülöttük lebzselő ingyenélők. Elvétve halálukig hűséges utcalányokról is olvashatunk. A helyenként sikamlós témát a költő, Dámódaragupta, aki egyébként nagy műveltségű és tiszteletben álló miniszter volt, könnyed humorral, nagyfokú eleganciával, mindenféle moralizálás vagy finnyáskodás nélkül képes előadni úgy, hogy az olvasó maga sem érezhet megvetést a kurtizánokkal szemben, és nem sajnálkozik a pórul járt férfiakon. Dámódaragupta remekbe szabott munkája az emberi hamisság szórakoztató komédiája, nem minden pedagógiai cél nélkül.

utorok 4. júna 2013




Avicenum, Praha, 1985
1. vydanie, 15.000 výtlačkov

medicína klasická, slovníky, prekladové slovníky, zdravotnícka literatúra
704 s., čeština, angličtina
hmotnosť: 734 g

stav: výborný, nepoužívaná

9,50 € PREDANÉ

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16 nenašiel som)

Lékařský anglicko-český a česko-anglický slovník byl koncipován jako základní pomůcka pro lékaře, studující medicíny i překladatele lékařských textů. Termíny byly pořizovány excerpcí z nejmodernější dosažitelné původní anglické a americké literatury, a to jak z publikaci zpracovávajících obory soustavně, tak i z monografií a časopisů, aby byly obsaženy běžně užívané, nezastaralé terminy včetně nově vznikajících. Celou rozsáhlou oblast medicíny slovník středního rozsahu nemůže samozřejmě zahrnout.

Protože jde o první lékařský anglicko-český a česko-anglický slovník, nebylo zde předlohy, o kterou bychom se opřeli. České ekvivalenty byly ověřovány studiem české lékařské literatury, případně porovnávány s hesly v latinsko-českém slovníku (Kábrt-Valach) a byly konzultovány s odbornými lékaři ovládajícími angličtinu. Podkladem pro vymezení termínů a přepis výslovnosti byly anglické a americké výkladové slovníky (Butterworth, Dorland, Stedman, Blakinston), anglicko-německý lékařský slovník (Lejeune-Bunjes) a rozsáhlé všeobecné slovníky (Webster, English Larousse). Přestože zpracování výslovnosti bylo velmi náročné, považujeme její uvedení za důležité, zvláště k potřebám našich lékařů. Úroveň naší medicíny je vysoká a naši lékaři nejen studují anglicky psanou literaturu a publikuji své příspěvky v zahraničí anglicky, ale zúčastňují se také kongresů pořádaných v zahraničí i u nás, na nichž jednací řečí bývá zpravidla angličtina; musejí tedy rozumět přednesenému vysoce odbornému referátu i diskutovat. Pravopis českých terminů prohlédla odborná asistentka Marie Poláčková, sporné případy byly konzultovány v Ústavu pro jazyk český ČSAV.

Slovník je výsledkem práce osmi autorů, kromě jednoho biochemika filologů dlouhá léta vyučujících anglickou lékařskou terminologii na lékařských fakultách Karlovy univerzity. Mnohé problémy spojené s převedením anglických termínů do češtiny by však autoři těžko řešili bez účinné a ochotné pomoci lékařů specialistů. Ke zpracování díla přispěli: MUDr. Jan Betka, MUDr. Hana Brichová, CSc., doc. MUDr. Lilia Čechová, CSc., doc. MUDr. Josef Čichá, CSc., MUDr. Zdeněk Fendrich, CSc., prof. MUDr. J. Fišerová. DrSc., doc. MUDr. Ivo Hais,CSc., MUDr. Jiří Havelka, RNDr. PhMr. Vladimír Horák,CSc., prof. MUDr. Hanuš Kraus, DrSc., MUDr. Jan Mareš, CSc., MUDr. Dana Marešová, CSc., doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Mašek, CSc., doc. RNDr. PhMr. Vladimír Měrka, CSc., MUDr. J. Moserová, CSc., RNDr. Miloš Otčenášek, DrSc., MUDr. Jana Růžková, doc. MUDr. František Stryhal, CSc., MUDr. Heda Škrdlantová, MUDr. R. Vrabec, CSc.

Dílo pečlivě recenzovali prof. MUDr. Václav Janoušek, CSc. a PhDr. Jaroslav Peprnik.

Všem patří náš dík.




and Colloquialism

Hodder and Stoughton, 1981
2. edícia, 6. vydanie
ISBN 0-340-18482-5

jazyky, jazykoveda, slovníky
216 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 290 g

brožovaná väzba
stav: veľmi dobrý, nepoužívaná

2,20 € PREDANÉ

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)

Language is alive and always changing, and slang, one of its most volatile elements, is a very elusive part of human communication. It may drop out of use gradually or quickly, or it may become accepted into standard English. In this work, the compiler has confined himself to current usage, and has avoided the area of more formal and standard colloquialism included in the companion volume, A Concise Dictionary of English idioms.

The book will provide an invaluable and colourful insight into contemporary English for both students and general readers.



Self Taught
with Answers

Self Taught Publications, New York, 1961

jazyky, angličtina
188 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 194 g

brožovaná, malý formát
stav: dobrý, v celofánovom prebale

0,90 €

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)



Second Edition

Oxford University Press, London, 1976
7. vydanie
ISBN 0-19-432190-8

jazykoveda, jazyky, angličtina
366 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 373 g

mäkká väzba, lepené strany
stav: lepenie zusušené, strany sa oddeľujú

1,00 € PREDANÉ!


The aim of this new edition remains the same as that of the original edition: to provide a variety of language material for foreign students at advanced level, either preparing for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency or working at equivalent levels in universities and colleges. While it has been assumed that students will have already completed a course of basic instruction up to Cambridge Lower Certificate level, the book provides ample material for consolidating the student’s grasp of fundamentals and for revising those structures that students constantly have difficulty in mastering, before proceeding to a more mature examination of structure and vocabulary.

This new edition has made possible the addition of new exercise material on modal auxiliary verbs and the various verb tenses, as well as the revision, re-grading and expansion of existing material. It is hoped that the book will now be not only more generally useful but also easier to use. Provision has been made for students working alone — a Key has been provided, though the book is also available without. Section One is now liberally annotated, incorporating both new material and also notes that were formerly given separately in appendices. The Appendix ‘Notes on Clauses’ has been retained in a revised form, and may be found useful for the work in Section Two. A list of reference books is also provided.



with Origins and Explanations

Longmans, 1963
4. vydanie

jazykoveda, angličtina,
144 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 273 g

viazaná s prebalom
stav: výborný, nepoužívaná

3,90 € PREDANÉ


Mr. Collins, having established a reputation by his work on English usage in three books on synonyms, and three on idioms, has now turned to a new field. Proverbs have been strangely neglected for the reader who wants something more than a dictionary as a reference book, or than a mere list giving the briefest of definitions. Mr. Collins’s treatment is a happy compromise between these two approaches. He confines himself to proverbs that are current, and to what, in contrast to merely proverbial phrases, are maxims; and supplies short explanations in his well-known pithy, light, style.

For a reader whose interest in proverbs leads him a little further than their present use Mr. Collins adds an agreeable spice of scholarship by often quoting early forerunners of a proverb, before it became crystallized in its current form, as it might be found, for example, in Chaucer, the Bible, Shakespeare, the early collectors of proverbs, and sometimes modern writers.

Books on English Usage
by V. H. Collins

Mr. Collins, who has established himself as a well-known champion of the English language, has published six books other than this one—three on synonyms, three on idioms—covering over three thousand words and phrases, with definitions, explanations, and, where necessary, notes on misuses.

These volumes are of great value to all who wish to broaden or make precise their knowledge of English, and should appeal especially to students and teachers at home and overseas, and to journalists.

They have been highly praised by many contemporary critics. These quotations from some of the opinions expressed about The Choice of Words are typical of the press reception of all Mr. Collins's books:

“ Mr. Collins has accomplished the rare feat of making a book of synonyms interesting. His attitude to new importations, and to the new meanings that old words develop, is sane and reasonable. He holds the balance between pedantry and an easy broadmindedness that holds that whatever is is right. This is an excellent and scholarly manual.”—The Times Educational Supplement.

“ I must strongly recommend The Choice of Words. This is a most useful and exact guide to the words that are rightly or wrongly treated as synonyms.”—Raymond Mortimer in The Sunday Times.

“ I congratulate you on it; it will be welcomed by everyone who cares about the precise use of words.”—Sir Ernest Gowers.

“ As one who loves his mother tongue and resents manhandling in cliché, jargon, pompous verbiage, preciosity, affected gentility or rank bad English, I hail with joy the appearance of V. H. Collins's The Choice of Words.”—Guy Ramsey in The Daily Telegraph.

The titles are





Magvető, Budapest, 1983
ISBN 963-14-0028-X

beletria, román, životopisy
616 s., maďarčina
hmotnosť:  549 g

viazaná, hardback, papierový prebal
stav: výborný, nepoužívaná

1,00 € PREDANÉ!


Kto je Gyorgy MOLDOVA?

Ennek a könyvnek Che Guevara valóban létező bolíviai naplója volt a kiindulási pontja és éltető ereje. Átvettem belőle mindazokat az adatokat, melyeket lehetetlen lett volna másképp elmondani, mint ahogy Che leírta: dátumokat, földrajzi neveket és irányokat, vadászzsákmányokat, harci összecsapások napjait és körülményeit.

Mit adtam hozzá én? Bármilyen különösen is hangzik, elsősorban magát Che Guevarát — a hős elképzelt jellemét. Megpróbáltam hűséges maradni a fellelhető adatokhoz és nyomokhoz, kiválasztottam Che más műveiből, megnyilatkozásaiból, politikai és magánéletéből azokat az epizódokat, leírt vagy elhangzott szövegrészeket, melyeket jellemzőnek találtam rá, és beleolvasztottam „A napló” szövegébe. Hozzátettem történelmi leírások, életrajzok, tankönyvek megállapításait is, ha úgy éreztem, hogy segítenek tisztázni a képet. De a könyv legfontosabb forrásai mégis azok a gondolatok és érzelmek voltak, melyeket a bolíviai napló keltett bennem - itt valóban „az eszme vált testté”, pontosabban mondatokká.

Tízévi munkám fekszik ebben a könyvben, de nagy megtiszteltetésnek tekinteném, ha munkám nyomait az olvasó nem tudná elválasztani Che mondataitól és szellemétől.

Moldova György

pondelok 3. júna 2013




Raduga, Moskva, 1990
edícia Russian Classics
ilustrácia L. Pasternak
5. vydanie
ISBN 5-05-000523-X

beletria, román
496 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 494 g

viazaná s prebalom
stav: výborný, nečítaná

1,70 €

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)

Once the Russian lawyer, Anatoly Koni, told Lev Tolstoy about an incident he had witnessed in the course of his professional duties: during a trial for theft, one of the members of the jury, a young aristocrat, recognised the accused to be a woman he had once seduced and abandoned. His conscience shaken, he decided to marry her to atone for his guilt. Such Was the true-life story which formed the stimulus for Resurrection, one of Tolstoy's major works.

Tolstoy spent ten years (from 1889 to  1899) working on the novel, which contains the essence of his mature views on most of the fundamental questions of life. The story tells about Katyusha Maslova, her fail and regeneration, against the background of all of Russia, suffering and rebellious, at the end of the last century. Tolstoy portrays aristocrats and peasants, high society salons and gloomy prisons, the courthouse and the various stages of a convict's existence. Tolstoy tells us almost as much about Russian life as all the rest of our literature put together," Maxim Gorky said.

The first Illustrator of Lev Tolstoy's novel, Resurrection, was the famous Russian artist Leonid Pasternak (1862-1945), whose drawings are reproduced in the present edition. Leonid Pasternak studied art first in a private studio in Moscow and then at the Munich Academy of Arts. He taught at his own drawing school in Moscow, at the Moscow College of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and at the Higher Applied Arts School (Vkhutemas). He was a founder-member of the Union of Russian Artists. Typical of his work is a lyrical. dramatic manner of conveying air and lights the most important parts of a work lit up, and the surrounding space plunged in shadow.

From 1917 he worked intensively at the genre of portraits painting and did a series of drawing from life of Lenin. From 1921, Leonid Pasternak lived in Germany and then in Great Britain.
I decided tobegin with sketches of the main characters in the story and chose two, contrasting scenes from the text ''Katyusha's Morning" and "Nekhlyudov's Morning". What torment I went through before plucking up enough courage to show them to Lev Nikolayevich. But at last that terrifying moment is behind me. I drink in his praise, hear the encouraging exclamations of father and daughter, Tatyana Lvovna, who say that in Katyusha and Nekhlyudov I've managed to convey almost a portrait likeness of their prototypes, in other words people whom I'd never seen and of whom I knew nothing.

Leonid Pasternak

(From Notes of Different Years, Moscow, Sovietsky Khudozhnik Publishers, 1975, p. 192.)



book two
(Анна Каренина)

Raduga, Moskva, 1987
edícia Russian Classics
preklad Margaret Wettlin
ilustrácia Orest Vereisky
3. vydanie
ISBN 5-05-001573-1

beletria, román
440 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 517 g

viazaná s prebalom
stav: výborný, nečítaná

4,00 € (spolu za 1. a 2. diel)

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)

Raduga Publishers continue their publication in English translation of the gems of Russian classical literature of the 19th and early 20th century in the Russian Classics series initiated by Progress Publishers in 1973. Works by the following authors and poets have been, and continue to be published, in the series: Lev Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Herzen, Goncharov, Pisemsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin. The series also embraces collections of long and short stories by Chekhov, Leskov, Korolenko. Among the Russian Classics editions are anthologies of Russian poetry of the 19th century, co!lections of plays and long and short stories by the above and other Russian writers. Each title is illustrated by drawings done by the leading artists of the 19th and 20th centuries and is accompanied by introductory articles and commentaries.

I did not hesitate to name Anna Karenina the greatest social novel of all time.
Thomas Mann

He sees the world from behind the scenes of politics and society, whilst most of us are sitting to be gulled in the pit.
George Bernard Shaw

If a man could but write like Tolstoy and have all the world listen to him
Theodore Dreiser

A distinguishing feature of Anna Karenina is the novel's trueness of life. The readers recognised themselves and their contemporaries in its characters and found a response in it to all the most important events of that time. It was one of the most complex periods in Russian history, when, after the abolition of serfdom, in Tolstoy's own words, "everything had been overturned and was only just beginning to fall into place"-the activities of the Zemstvos, the military reforms, education, the reaction of Russian society to the struggle of the Slav peoples for liberation from the Turkish yoke and so on, together with the more specific and personal details of life at various levels of Moscow and St. Petersburg society and of the Russian countryside.



book one
(Анна Каренина)

Raduga, Moskva, 1986
edícia Russian Classics
preklad Margaret Wettlin
ilustrácia Orest Vereisky
3. vydanie
ISBN 5-05-001571-5

beletria, román
520 s., angličtina
hmotnosť: 596 g

viazaná s prebalom
stav: výborný, nečítaná

4,00 € (spolu za 1. a 2. diel)

*R08* (kontrola 2.2.16)

Raduga Publishers continue their publication in English translation of the gems of Russian classical literature of the 19th and early 20th century in the Russian Classics series initiated by Progress Publishers in 1973. Works by the following authors and poets have been, and continue to be published, in the series: Lev Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Herzen, Goncharov, Pisemsky, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin. The series also embraces collections of long and short stories by Chekhov, Leskov, Korolenko. Among the Russian Classics editions are anthologies of Russian poetry of the 19th century, co!lections of plays and long and short stories by the above and other Russian writers. Each title is illustrated by drawings done by the leading artists of the 19th and 20th centuries and is accompanied by introductory articles and commentaries.

"This novel, which is precisely that—a novel, the first in my life, has really gripped me, I am wholly absorbed in It..." Tolstoy wrote In May 1873 as he began Anna Karenina. Contemporaries were struck by the "every-dayness" of the book that followed War and Peace. Here Tolstoy combined free and unfettered narrative with a view of life integrally his own, Ivan Goncharov, the patriarch of Russian novelists, said about it: "This is something quite without precedent, a pioneering work. Is there any writer among us who can match it? And who in Europe can offer anything of the kind?" It was an opinion endorsed by Dostoyevsky who found in Tolstoy's novel "a tremendous psychological handling of the human soul" and a realism of portrayal such as had never been seen before. Time has confirmed these contemporary judgements. Anna Karenina has become one of the greatest social novels in world literature. Fyodor Dostoyevsky found in Anna Karenina “everything of any importance in our currant Russian political and social issues, and concentrated: in one place." Vladimir Korolenko, wrote: "Tolstoy's world is a world fooded with sunlight, simple and bright, in which all the reflections, in size, proportion and light and shade, correspond to the phenomena of reality."